Least-Favoite Genre of Music
I pretty much enjoy any gene of music, but I would have to say that my least favorite would have to be heavy metal. I have never understood the need for a lot of yelling and screaming when it comes to music. Music, in my opinion, should be beautiful and harmonious. I hate to say that I completely dislike the music because I don't. It just isn't my favorite to listen to when I am looking for some good and soothing music to listen to. An example of a heavy metal band is Metallica, and again I actually like Metallica, but they aren't one of my favorites. Metallica got their start when Lars Ulrich made James Hatfield an offer that would've been hard for anyone not to take. There was no actual band until a couple others (Ron McGovney & Dave Mustaine) joined and "Metallica" was formed.
Again, my reasoning for not being too crazy about this genre of music, is the yelling and screaming. When I listen to music I like a lot of harmony and even a little falsetto. I also enjoy, when I'm in the mood, to hear music that has a little bit of bass. There are times when heavy metal contains a little bass, especially during a ballad section, but it's mostly just very loud. Which is odd, because I do like my music loud, I just like to understand what I'm listening to. I like music that contains lyrical enunciation and heavy metal, in my opinion, is void of that.
There isn't a whole lot that I don't like about the social/emotional background of heavy metal or heavy metal bands. They are people just like the rest of us. It's just their choice in expression that doesn't really fit my musical criteria. Every genre of music can fit our culture considering that each and every one of us are different. Their style of music may not fit my definition of good music, but it could fit that criteria for someone else. One of the great things about today and today's music is that we are one big mix of cultures. It doesn't seem that any one culture stands out in today's society.
There is no sense in my being too defensive about it because as I said, I do not completely dislike the music. There is no genre of music that I feel this way about; I enjoy them all. However, I do feel that their lyrics should be more enunciated to give the listener more of a "lyrical understanding." I like to not only hear the words to the music I'm listening to, but relate to them on some level as well.
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